Welcome to The Resources Cupboard

We are passionate about supporting the local church in their work with children, young people and families.

Based in Bedfordshire, we work both locally and nationally, resourcing the local church to make young disciples.

Resourcing Discipleship

Our simple frameworks provide a road map to help us to keep our focus on making young disciples; identifying the opportunities we have to connect with children, young people and families and better understand the faith-journey of children and young people.

Resourcing You

Our free members area gives you access to all the resources in The Resources Cupboard, to fill your kit bag and resource you for your children’s, youth and family ministry; from curriculum to activity sheets, training videos and more.

Resourcing the Local Church

We journey alongside the local church to make young disciples and offer three levels of support, both nationally and specifically more locally for churches in Bedfordshire, from informal gatherings to bespoke long-term support.